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Coach/Volunteer "To Do" List for Upcoming Season

To help you get ready for the new season, here is a “To Do” checklist for all coaches and other volunteers (such as team managers and locker room monitors).

  1. Register with USA Hockey 
  2. Complete Background Check process
  3. Register with ABYHA 
  4. Complete SafeSport Training  
  5. Complete Hockey Training (Mites and up only.  Not required for those who will never be on the ice or the bench.)


Click on each "To Do" for important information including applicable registration/training links and helpful hints.  To view it all at once, click here - View it all.

Important Note: Experience has shown that it is best to start addressing these as soon as possible including starting the “age-specific module” portion of Hockey Training.  While completing registration steps do not require a significant time commitment, the training components are more involved and, if you are a coach, may also require you to schedule an in-person hockey clinic from a limited list of available dates. 

If you have any questions not answered in the material, please send an email to and/or check out USA Hockey’s Steps to Become a USA Hockey Coach page by clicking on this link